0-Walk Natural Movement Playgroup

Join us for a delightful and educational playgroup designed for you and your baby! At the 0-Walk Natural Movement Playgroup, you’ll learn valuable techniques and engage in playful activities that encourage good coordination, symmetrical use of the body, and strength in your child. These sessions aim to set a strong foundation for your child’s movement…

Blocked tear ducts in Infants

Many babies are born with a tear duct blockage and a high percentage of them will clear up with little or no treatment, however if your baby wakes up with crusty eyes that are hard to open it can be distressing for you and your baby. Why does it happen? The eye has tears, a…

Your Baby Should be Hands Free

We all know that we use our hands all the time, but have you ever thought how a baby starts to acknowledge and use their hands. Your babies’ hands are part of a beautiful, choreographed ballet, between muscles, brain, vestibular (balance) and visual development that happens in the first year of life. This sets the…